
Follower of the Hawk

Kalstrata · General of Order · Light

Choose the Amazon, follower of the Hawk, for unparalleled mastery in both close and long-range combat. With spears for up-close encounters and bows for distant targets, they harness the power of the wind to strike with speed and precision. If you want a versatile fighter who embodies the swift and relentless nature of a hawk, the Amazon is your perfect pick.

Amazon Skills

Wielder of bows and spears

Even a guy can be an Amazonian princess!

Early Access! These skills are purposely vague because I'm purposely lazy. Or... (and?) because I need the flexibility to change skills if the story calls for it. Take what's here with a grain of salt. I would sooner break continuity with this here fine website than make the story worse.

Some may consider skill information to be spoilers. If this is you, you are definitely in the wrong place! Why not check out the soundtrack instead?

Impact Arrow

Shoot a flashing yellow arrow with orange fletching. On impact, the arrow glows and can shatter stone, providing a solid offensive boost in combat.

Wall of Spears

Summon a barrier of spears that burst from the ground, blocking the path and protecting the user. The wall's health and length scale with Strength, while its duration increases with Intelligence.

Charged Thrust

Charge at an enemy with a spear, increasing movement speed and delivering additional damage. The speed and damage scale with Dexterity, making it a swift and powerful attack.

Feathered Distraction

This utility skill allows the Amazon to release a flurry of bright gold feathers, creating a dazzling distraction. At higher levels, it can disorient or blind enemies.

Ethereal Spear

Create an ethereal spear that mirrors the stats of the last equipped spear. The spear provides a damage boost and its duration scales with Strength.

Rain of Arrows

Mark a location and fire an arrow into the sky. After 3 seconds, a barrage of arrows will rain down over a 50x50 feet area, dealing damage to enemies. The number of arrows and their damage scale with Dexterity.

Heaven's Spear

Summon a golden spear of light that slams down from the sky, dealing damage based on Dexterity. This attack inflicts an additional 50% damage to unsuspecting targets.

Zephyr Leap

Harness the wind for a long, soaring leap, covering a distance that scales with Strength. This skill can be combined with Glide for enhanced mobility.

Deflect Projectiles

Use wind to deflect incoming projectiles. This skill must be timed correctly to be effective. At higher levels, it can redirect projectiles toward a target or even duplicate them.

Spear of Fire

Summon a spear of fire that can be thrown at a target, dealing damage based on Intelligence.

Split Shot

When you fire an arrow, duplicate arrows are created. The number of arrows increases with skill level, though each arrow deals 20% less damage.

Windrider's Call

Summon a gust of wind to push back enemies or clear environmental obstacles. The force of the wind scales with Intelligence.

Skyfall Strike

Leap into the air and deliver a devastating aerial strike with your spear, dealing significant damage based on Strength.

Tempest Arrow

Infuse an arrow with the force of a tempest. Upon impact, the blast knocks enemies back and deals area damage. This skill can also be used to damage objects.

Apex Predator

Release a dominating aura that signals an Apex Predator is nearby and on the hunt. Enemies become more susceptible to damage from all sources and are filled with a sense of fear. Scales with Strength.


Perfect eyesight. Can see twice as far as most people.

Swift Movement

Enhanced movement speed. Move swiftly and efficiently in any situation.

Battle Charge

The Amazon’s party gains a 10% boost to their speed when running toward enemies.

Reverse Spear

Immediately change the direction of the spear so the butt end is the pointy end.


Amazons can choose among the following for a non-pet mount: jaguar, hyena, frog, or horse.

Featherweight Grace

The Amazon moves with the lightness of a feather, able to quickly shift directions to dodge incoming attacks.

Birds of Prey

The Amazon can always have a bird of prey summoned, each offering a unique passive benefit and the ability to attack.

Red-Tailed Hawk: Attacks deal damage based on Dexterity.

Moonlit Owl: Specializes in stealth and reconnaissance. The owl can mark enemies in an area of (100 + Intelligence) by (100 + Intelligence) feet.

Golden Eagle: Uses gusts of wind to disorient enemies.

Raven of Shadow: Uses magic to project a copy of the Amazon and grants +10% mana regeneration to the party.

Critical Aegis

Take no damage for 1.5 seconds after a successful critical strike.


The Amazon can gain an ethereal set of wings that allows them to glide. This is not a flying ability. At the end of the glide, hitting the ground does not cause damage.