
Follower of the Dolphin

Zahlikeanose · Emissary of Tides · Light

Choose the Aquanda, follower of the Dolphin, for mastery over water and its myriad forms. Wielding powerful water-based magic, Aquandas can unleash devastating Wave Slashes, create protective Bubble Barriers, and manipulate the battlefield with Whirlpool Vortexes and Quick Sand.

Their versatility allows them to hold their own in battle, communicate with sea life, and traverse water—above the surface and below—with ease. If you seek the fluidity and grace of water combined with its raw, destructive potential, the Aquanda is your perfect choice.

Aquanda Skills

Wielder of... river stones and seashells

"All I get is a rock?" /Blows raspberry/
"Oh, wait! It's a glowing rock. That's totally different!" /Blows raspberry/

Early Access! These skills are purposely vague because I'm purposely lazy. Or... (and?) because I need the flexibility to change skills if the story calls for it. Take what's here with a grain of salt. I would sooner break continuity with this here fine website than make the story worse.

Some may consider skill information to be spoilers. If this is you, you are definitely in the wrong place! Why not check out the soundtrack instead?

Wave Slash

Summon a water orb that releases multiple water slashes, dealing damage based on Intelligence.

Bubble Barrier

Create a protective bubble that absorbs damage based on Intelligence and Strength. When its limit is reached, it explodes, dealing area damage equal to half the absorbed amount.

Coral Blade

Conjure a coral blade with damage scaling on Intelligence. When destroyed, it shatters into damaging shrapnel. Can be thrown as a grenade. Duration increases with skill level and Intelligence.

Hydro Blast

Summon a burst of water at the target location, dealing Intelligence-based area damage. The size of the area increases with skill level.

Mist Memory

Project a silent visual memory in mist form, lasting for minutes based on skill level. Useful for distraction or conveying information.

Whirlpool Vortex

Create a vortex that pulls entities towards its center. Force increases with skill level, Strength, and Intelligence.

Submerge Shift

Submerge into a water source and resurface from another within a range based on skill level and Intelligence.

Kelp Knot Armor

Don kelp armor with armor points based on Strength and Intelligence. Self-repairs over time and reverts to previous armor when depleted or canceled. Reserves an amount of mana to keep active.

Sonic Blast

Emit a sonic blast affecting enemies within range. The debuff's effect escalates with each skill level, from disorientation to stunning and skill disruption.

Ice Magic

Versatile ice magic allowing target freezing, icicle attacks, and wall creation. Effects scale with Intelligence, Dexterity, and Strength. Improves user's lowest relevant stat.

Water Elemental

Summon water elementals to fight. Size, health, damage, and maximum summons increase with skill level and Intelligence.

Aqua Portal

Create water portals within line of sight, distance scaling with Intelligence. Can be used with Submerge Shift at reduced mana cost.


Form a quicksand area that slows or roots enemies. Size and duration increase with Strength and Intelligence respectively.

Rain Dance

Induce rainfall over an area. Boosts Aquanda's mana and health regeneration while creating puddles for enhanced mobility.


Summon a massive guardian by infusing nearby terrain with water. The entity fights autonomously on your behalf.

Breath of Water

Breathe underwater indefinitely without the need for special equipment or mana.


Manipulate liquid flow to increase swimming speed or enhance boat travel.

Fish Talk

Communicate with fish and other aquatic creatures, potentially gaining information or assistance.

Splash Damage

Attacks have a splash effect, dealing damage to nearby enemies in addition to the primary target.


Gain the ability to summon and ride various mounts, including aquatic creatures like octopus, dolphin, and seahorse, as well as a standard horse.


Absorb water from the surrounding area, drying it out while rapidly replenishing mana at double the normal rate.

Hydro Heal

Accelerate healing while in contact with water, recovering health at twice the usual rate.

Water Run

Run on the surface of water as if it were solid ground, maintaining this ability as long as you keep moving.


Communicate mentally with others, exchanging thoughts and ideas without the need for spoken words.


Questions about the Aquanda

What would you like to know?
Wait... An Aquanda has two mounts!?

That's right! All Aquandas get a horse by default for land travel. Their choice of mount, then, is between various water animals, which are able to swim in salt and fresh water.

That said—should you wish for something a bit different—all Neutral mobs may be trained as a mount if certain unknown conditions are met.