
Follower of the Spider

Kishtenai · Mother of Shadows · Shadow

Choose the Arachnomancer, follower of the Spider, for a unique blend of summoning and silk-based combat. These specialists fight alongside their Soul Spider—a giant arachnid companion—while wielding exclusive spider-crafted equipment.

Arachnomancers excel at fighting with webs, Venom Counters, and various (cute) spider minions. If you seek a class that combines tactical summoning with unparalleled utility, the Arachnomancer offers a unique path.

Arachnomancer Skills

Wielder of spiders... yay

<Octoralis is best spider>  —Octoralis

Early Access! These skills are purposely vague because I'm purposely lazy. Or... (and?) because I need the flexibility to change skills if the story calls for it. Take what's here with a grain of salt. I would sooner break continuity with this here fine website than make the story worse.

Some may consider skill information to be spoilers. If this is you, you are definitely in the wrong place! Why not check out the soundtrack instead?

Exploding Spider

Summon a dutiful, exploding spider that is 1-6 inches large. This spider will happily march to its intended location and explode or patrol for enemies.

"Who's a good spider? You're a good spider!" /Spider dances/

Venomous Spiders

Send forth venomous spiders to land in an area and apply Venom Counters to enemies within range.

Modify Vibrations

Manipulate vibrations to enhance weapon damage, sound, or water effects.

Web Wall

Generate a sturdy wall made from spider webs that allows passage for the caster and allies but blocks others.


Deploy a tiny spiders to infiltrate and scout areas. Small enough to get through cracks. Only has 1hp.

Web Blade

Conjure a blade made of webbing that can transform into snaring webs on command.

Glow Spider

Summon luminescent spiders to provide light in dark areas.

This skill largely benefits others who do not have Vibration Sight.

Spider Armor

Create living spider armor that repairs itself over time, offering substantial protection.


Call forth a Spidersmith to repair and enhance weapons, armor, and tools.

Blade Spider

Summon large spiders with blades for legs. When they die, their legs break off and launch toward the closest enemy.

Gliding Leap

Perform long-distance jumps and glide using silken webs, enhancing mobility and traversal options.

Silk Shield

Create a protective shield from spider silk. If destroyed, it bursts to entangle nearby enemies.

Elemental Spider

Summon powerful elemental spiders: Inferno Spider, Frost Weaver, Volt Spinner, Bane Spider, and Tangle Trapper.

Silk Piercer

Launch a sharp silk projectile that damages and gradually immobilizes the target with each successful hit.


Resummon Octoralis, the Arachnomancer's core summon and general of spiders.

Soul Spider

A slice of the Arachnomancer’s soul is taken to form his or her Soul Spider, a summoned creature bound to its creator. Unlike normal summons, the Soul Spider does not require mana and can heal over time while desummoned.

Spider Rider

The Arachnomancer is capable of riding spiders large enough to mount. Unlike normal mounts, spiders may climb walls and ceilings. As long as the Arachnomancer intends to remain on the spider, gravity becomes relative.

Vibration Sight

Spiders are incredibly sensitive to vibrations. Even the most immobile and silent things give off a sense of energy, be that from themselves or reflecting the living world.

Arachnomancers gain the sense to visually see vibrations around them. This ability can be focused in any direction or all directions at the same time. Since illusions do not give off vibrations, they are often ineffective.

Attuned Hearing

As all sounds are vibration waves in the air, an Arachnomancer is capable of hearing sounds much farther away than is typical. They can also focus on a specific location up to 300 feet away, allowing for long-distance eavesdropping.

Arachling Language

All spiders in Olindale speak and write Arachling. This passive allows for communication with wild spiders. Further, Arachnomancers can identify spider relics, weapons, armor, and jewelry.

Spider Climb

The Arachnomancer gains the ability to defy gravity, similar to spider riding. It takes a constant focus to bend the laws of physics and affect the relative world. As long as a surface is close enough to touch, it can become the new “down.”

Spider Mastery

Transform into a spider form and enhance all summoned spiders' effectiveness. Summon spiders on any visible web.

Silkbound Synergy

Increase the power of spider-silk equipment, boosting damage, armor, stats, and imbued skills.

Pheromone Perception

Sense the emotional state and intentions of nearby entities through pheromone detection.