
Follower of the Snake

Altera & Niveus · Sisters of Death · Light

Choose the Assassin for a deadly blend of stealth and precision. As a follower of the Sisters of Death, you'll wield daggers and venom counters to deliver swift, lethal strikes. Masters of shadow and speed, Assassins excel at avoiding damage and lurking unseen until the perfect moment to strike. If you crave the thrill of being a silent, unstoppable force, the Assassin is your ideal choice.

Assassin Skills

Wielder of daggers and venom

"Not a coward! Just waiting for my moment..."
(Waiting... waiting... huh, everyone's dead.)

Early Access! These skills are purposely vague because I'm purposely lazy. Or... (and?) because I need the flexibility to change skills if the story calls for it. Take what's here with a grain of salt. I would sooner break continuity with this here fine website than make the story worse.

Some may consider skill information to be spoilers. If this is you, you are definitely in the wrong place! Why not check out the soundtrack instead?

Venom Bite

Adds a purple dripping effect to the weapon, which deals damage based on Dexterity and applies a Venom Counter for additional damage over time.

Venom Extract

Touch your target to deal damage based on Dexterity for each Venom Counter applied, including those that expired within the last two minutes.

Shadow Shift

Swiftly move a distance based on Dexterity, leaving a smoke trail behind. The skill's delay and the duration of the smoke trail decrease with higher skill levels.

Snake Bind

Conjure ethereal snakes to bind an enemy, restricting their movement. The binding's weight and duration scale with Strength, immobilizing the target effectively.

Soft Landing

Use this skill to reduce fall impact, allowing you to land softly from heights. The distance safely covered scales with Strength.

Project Sound

Create and project sounds over a distance that scales with Intelligence. The sound's duration also scales with Intelligence, providing a versatile tool for distraction or deception.


Reserve mana to set a condition within an area of up to Skill Level × 1,000 square feet. When the condition is met, the triggering target is highlighted for 60 seconds. The effectiveness and detection capabilities scale with Intelligence.

Serpent Blade

Create a mystical weapon imbued with venom. Choose from a dagger, short sword, or serpent sword, each inflicting additional venom damage on hit.

Knife Throw

Throw three translucent blades that deal damage based on Dexterity, each applying a Venom Counter for additional damage over time.

Hardened Scales

Reduces incoming damage by a percentage based on Strength, with a maximum reduction of 70%. Provides a robust defensive boost to withstand attacks.

Tail Lash

Conjure a giant snake tail to attack or swipe a target. The range and force scale with Strength, making it a formidable utility skill for battlefield control.


Glide swiftly in the intended direction, with duration and speed scaling with Dexterity. This skill enhances mobility, allowing quick repositioning in combat.

Call Vipers

Summon vipers to attack your enemies, with the number of vipers scaling with skill level. Each viper applies a Venom Counter with every attack, and there is no maximum limit on the number of Venom Counters that can be applied.

Ophidian Dance

Enter a serpentine dance, dodging all damage for a duration that scales with Dexterity. While active, attacking is not possible.

Death's Whisper

Become undetectable for a duration that scales with Dexterity. This skill triggers immediately, allowing you to evade detection and move unseen.

Improved Agility

Assassins are agile, flexible, and strong. They can flip, roll, summersault, run up short walls, and if they ever fall, they always land on their feet. This boost in agility helps avoid attacks and improve positioning in battle.


An Assassin has one key benefit over all other classes: an attack to the back of a target will always trigger a critical strike.

Silent Step

Whether the Assassin is running, walking, or in the middle of battle, their steps are always silent. They can step on a dry twig and emit no sound. They can dash across a field of broken glass and be unheard.

Shadow Fade

Shadows are a friend to the Assassin. By remaining still within a shadow, the Assassin fades, becoming a piece of the darkness, hidden to all but the keenest of eyes. This transition takes 10 seconds and lasts until the shadow is gone or the Assassin moves.


At level 5, Assassins can choose among the following for a non-pet mount: black panther or horse.

Critical Sight

All entities of Olindale have weaknesses. At level 10, the Assassin gains the ability to see the locations where a strike will yield a critical hit.

Subsequent strikes to a weakness increase critical strike damage by 20% with each hit. This bonus resets after 10 seconds or after dealing non-critical strike damage.

Heat Sense

Assassins can detect the faintest heat signatures, sensing living beings even behind barriers or in total darkness. This heightened thermal perception reveals positions within a certain radius and is especially effective against hidden or stealthed enemies, though it cannot distinguish friend from foe.

Piercing Gaze

With eyes resembling those of a serpent, Assassins can momentarily paralyze foes with fear. This ability is more effective on neutral mobs.

Venom Immunity

Assassins are completely immune to all types of venom.