
Follower of the Termite

Jirani Jenga · Architect of Unity · Shadow

Choose the Builder, follower of the Termite, for mastery over construction. These crafters excel at erecting automated turrets, beneficial totems, and strategic defenses. Aided by their versatile giant ant mounts, Builders can shape the environment to their advantage while enjoying economic benefits in construction.

If you enjoy supporting allies through the use of offensive and defensive buildings, the Builder offers a unique approach to combat and resource management.

Builder Skills

Wielder of one-handed hammers

"If you build it, they will come! If they come, they will die!"
Turrets go pew-pew-pew!

Early Access! These skills are purposely vague because I'm purposely lazy. Or... (and?) because I need the flexibility to change skills if the story calls for it. Take what's here with a grain of salt. I would sooner break continuity with this here fine website than make the story worse.

Some may consider skill information to be spoilers. If this is you, you are definitely in the wrong place! Why not check out the soundtrack instead?

Auto Turret

Deploy automated turrets that target enemies based on customizable priorities, dealing consistent damage.

Defensive Wall

Construct a defensive wall to protect allies and your turrets, and block enemy advancement.

Healing Aura Totem

Create a totem that emanates a healing aura, restoring health to allies and repairing nearby structures.

Mudball Mortar

Build a mortar that fires mud projectiles, dealing area damage with bonus effectiveness against armored targets.

Tunnel Traverse

Traverse between turrets and totems through a network of tiny tunnels, temporarily disrupting their function.

Damage Aura Totem

Erect a totem that boosts damage output for nearby allies and turrets within its red aura.

Storage Chest

Construct storage chests for resource collection, accessible by allies and worker mounts.

Subterranean Spike Turret

Deploy a turret that rapidly grows stone spikes from the ground, piercing enemies from below.

"Also known as the ass poker!"

Taunting Totem

Place a totem that taunts nearby enemies, drawing their attacks away from allies.

Thorn Turret

Construct a turret that fires a barrage of thorns, particularly effective against unarmored targets.


Construct mana-powered portals that allow allies to traverse between locations, similar to the Builder's tunnel network.

Harvesting Hub

Create a totem that enhances harvesting efficiency, increasing both yield and speed for nearby gatherers.

Beneath the Dome

Generate a protective dome that prioritizes safeguarding buildings and allies within its area of effect.

A Clear Mind

Erect a totem that accelerates mana regeneration for all allies in the vicinity, excluding non-mana resource users.

Crystal Beam

Build an advanced turret that fires a crystal-powered energy beam, escalating in power with sustained focus on a single target.

Build Turret

The Builder’s primary source of damage comes from turrets. By default, the Rock Tosser turret is unlocked. This turret requires no resources to build and levels with the Builder.

Additional turrets can be unlocked and leveled with skill points.

Limit to three turrets at once.

Cheaper Buildings

Reduce the cost of constructing buildings by 15% in both money and materials.

Faster Gathering

Increase resource gathering speed by 15%, enhancing overall efficiency.

Salvage Resources

Recover 85% of resources when salvaging items or buildings, significantly more than the standard rate.


Choose between a Termite Worker mount for improved gathering or a Termite Soldier mount for enhanced defense. Unlike other classes, both options remain open.


Reconstruct destroyed buildings at half the original cost, allowing for quicker recovery.

Reinforce Buildings

Enhance any building's durability by 20% using materials and mana.

Self-destruct Building

The Builder can detonate their turrets, totems, and defenses to deal significant damage to nearby enemies. This skill is based on the building's level and the Builder's Strength.

Special Ammo

Unlock two additional ammo types for all turrets, increasing combat versatility.