
Follower of the Ant

Ahchesna · Commander of Legions · Shadow

Choose the Legionnaire, follower of the Ant, for a versatile combat style enhanced by unique Weapon Effects. These disciplined warriors can apply shock, venom, acid, or paralyzing effects to their attacks, making them adaptable in various situations.

Legionnaires are group tacticians, using their ant-like traits to dig tunnels, form defensive formations, and coordinate with allies. Their ability to duplicate workers and construct with resin adds utility beyond the battlefield. Are you a team player? Choose the Legionnaire!

Legionnaire Skills

Wielder of twin sickles

"I'm sensing pheromones... sensing... Who farted?"

Early Access! These skills are purposely vague because I'm purposely lazy. Or... (and?) because I need the flexibility to change skills if the story calls for it. Take what's here with a grain of salt. I would sooner break continuity with this here fine website than make the story worse.

Some may consider skill information to be spoilers. If this is you, you are definitely in the wrong place! Why not check out the soundtrack instead?

Ant Charge

Increase the speed and damage of you and your allies as you charge toward the enemy.

Mandible Grip

Ethereal mandible form and grab the enemy, rooting them in place. Marks the enemy as vulnerable, increasing damage taken.

Tunnel Digger

Make a tunnel opening between your location and the new location. Allies are able to enter the tunnel and exit the other side as if it were a portal.

Exoskeleton Guard

Temporarily harden your armor for increased defense.

Venomous Sting

Adds venom damage to your weapon. This increases the damage of your attack and applies Venom Counters.

Duplicate Workers

Duplicate yourself for the task of working. These duplicates cannot be used for fighting, but they can be used to confuse the enemy.


Leap long distances for offensive, scouting, or retreat purposes.

Acid Bite

Apply a Weapon Effect that adds acid damage. Acid is a damage-over-time effect that deals extra damage to armor.


Dramatically increase attack speed for a short duration.

Construct Resin

Construct resin structures for defensive or building purposes.

Phalanx Formation

While allies stay within formation, reduce incoming damage.

Paralyzing Goo

A Weapon Effect that applies a Sticky Goo counter to the enemy per successful hit. Each counter slows the enemy until there are five counters and the target becomes paralyzed.

Paralyzed targets are vulnerable to 20% extra damage.

Pheromone Beacon

Deploy a pheromone beacon to guide allies to your location.

Electrostatic Charge

A Weapon Effect that applies shock damage to the weapon. Shock deals extra damage and can spread to nearby enemies.

Berserker Swarm

Harnessing the swarm mentality of ants, call forth an army of giant ants to assault the target. This ability can only be used once per 20 hours.

Stamina to Strength

The Legionnaire is boosted by their Stamina, awarding them with +(1/4 Stamina) as Strength.

Forager’s Instinct

The Legionnaire has an uncanny ability to sense resources. They also have an increased likelihood of finding extra items from chests.

Colony Unity

For every nearby ally, the Legionnaire gains a boost to their defense and attack power.

Tunnel Expertise

The Legionnaire gains an increase to speed while underground or within enclosed spaces.


The Legionnaire has the option of the following mounts: Dinoponera Ant, Trap-jaw Ant, Driver Ant, and Aphid.

Serrated Defense

The Legionnaire gains natural armor that reflects damage to melee attackers. This effect is only present while the natural armor has AP.

Wall Climb

Indicate the direction of “down,” allowing you to easily climb walls.

Trail Reader

The Legionnaire can read pheromone trails, revealing footprints or recent actions of foes and allies.

Queen's Favor

The Legionnaire is favored. All skills gain a bonus to their effects.