
Follower of the Owl

Olateus · Grandfather Wisdom · Light

Choose the Mage, follower of the Owl, for versatility and devastating magical prowess. These scholarly spellcasters can specialize in either Arcane or Ink magic, switching between the two to adapt to any situation (20-hour cooldown).

While physically fragile, Mages compensate with a vast array of powerful spells, from destructive Magic Missiles to reality-bending Ink manipulations. For those who prefer brains over brawn and love having a spell for every occasion, look no further than the Mage.

Mage Skills

Wielder of wands and staves

Don't be a dummy, be a mage!

Early Access! These skills are purposely vague because I'm purposely lazy. Or... (and?) because I need the flexibility to change skills if the story calls for it. Take what's here with a grain of salt. I would sooner break continuity with this here fine website than make the story worse.

Some may consider skill information to be spoilers. If this is you, you are definitely in the wrong place! Why not check out the soundtrack instead?

Magic Missile (Arcane)

Form a sphere of astral energy and launch it at enemies. Damage scales with Intelligence.

Ink Bolt (Ink)

Sling damaging ink bolts that splatter enemies, potentially blinding them or creating slippery surfaces.

Manavore (Arcane)

Convert incoming damage into mana, with absorption scaling based on Intelligence. Has a 10 second cooldown.

Solidify (Ink)

Solidify ink into hovering platforms or shields. Durability and duration scales off of Strength and Intelligence.

Lightning (Arcane)

Channel lightning through your arm, striking multiple enemies per cast.

Ink Splatter (Ink)

Lob a large ink sphere that explodes on impact, dealing area damage.

Ethereal Forms (Arcane)

Summon an astral helper capable of scouting, attacking, defending, long-distance communication, and... performing chores. Why not?

Inkarnate (Ink)

Draw objects with ink to create weapons or defenses. Effectiveness depends on artistic skill.

Celestial Ray (Arcane)

Fire a concentrated beam of starlight at enemies, dealing continuous damage while channeled.

Quill Pierce (Ink)

Launch a sharp, enchanted quill that pierces through foes and can be redirected to hit multiple targets.

Nebula Net (Arcane)

Cast a net of nebulous energy to capture or slow down target enemies.

Scroll Summon (Ink)

Create a scroll from mana that can hold pre-cast Ink or Arcane skills, one per scroll. Anyone can use the scroll as an item. The number of scrolls and parchment size is limited by skill level and Intelligence.

Teleport (Arcane)

Instantly teleport a short distance, vanishing and reappearing at the target location.

Ink Shift (Ink)

Transform into ink to quickly move to a new location, potentially damaging enemies in your path.

Galactic Guard (Arcane)

Summon small orbiting celestial bodies that automatically deflect incoming projectiles.

Parchment Barrier (Ink)

Create a protective barrier of empowered parchment. The defensive skill can be released to create a distracting burst.

Mage Hand (Arcane)

Conjure a large magical hand to move objects, control crowds, or even give great back massages (only massages...).

Ink Minion (Ink)

Summon an ink minion to fight battles on your behalf (or do your chores).

Nebula Knot (Arcane)

Touch effect. Gather mana into a Nebula Knot that reverses the effect of resource generation.

(Example: Instead of a gaining mana every 3 seconds, lose a mana every 3 seconds.)

Living Tattoo (Ink)

Transform residual ink on enemies into living tattoos that deal damage over time.

Detect Intent (Arcane)

Reveal a target's intentions through color-coded emotional auras.

Paint Thoughts (Ink)

Magically paint a visual representation of thoughts from yourself or others. Pairs well with Scroll Summon.

Undo (Arcane)

Revert anything that has happened to you (damage, spent mana, debuffs, a bad breakup) in the last handful of seconds based on skill level and Intelligence.

Turn Back the Page (Ink)

Reverse recent events affecting nearby objects or beings, turning back time by a few seconds in a localized area.

Black Hole (Arcane)

Create a black hole that pulls enemies together, dealing damage and setting up area effect attacks. Can trap enemies or redirect projectiles without affecting allies.

Ink Invocation (Ink)

Summon an army of ink creatures to attack enemies or carry out complex tasks. Requires a significant mana reserve.

Arcane or Ink

Choose between Arcane or Ink magic specialization, with the ability to switch paths every 20 hours.

Mana Fount

Double your natural mana regeneration rate.


Amplify any skill's effect by 150% by doubling the mana cost.

Energy Shield

Create a protective barrier by reserving a portion of your mana pool as a shield.


Select a permanent mount from options including the Silver Fox, Red Fox, a reindeer, or a horse.

Aerial Sight

Project your vision 300 feet into the air, gaining an aerial perspective of the surroundings. Be aware that this skill projects a silver light that others can see.

Owl’s Whisper

Establish a mental link with another person within 1,000 feet, sharing sight and thoughts.

The Wise One

Permanently increase your Intelligence attribute by 10 points.

Sage’s Stash

For every successful skill cast, gain 1 Ancient Feather, a resource that can empower skills. It costs 10 Ancient Feathers to double the effect of the skill.

Maximum Ancient Feathers: 2 × Intelligence