
Follower of the Scorpion

Ra'alra · Mistress of Venom · Shadow

Choose the Ninja, follower of the Scorpion, for mastery in stealth and poison-enhanced combat. These agile warriors apply Venom Counters to their offensive skills, making each strike deal additional damage and damage of time.

Ninjas blend traditional martial arts with unique abilities like wall-running and vanishing dashes. Unlike other classes, their scorpion mount adds an extra layer of offensive and defensive capabilities. Want a lovable scorpion pet at level 40? Choose the Ninja.

Ninja Skills

Wielder of katanas & short swords

/Silently watches from the shadows, trying to be cool/

Early Access! These skills are purposely vague because I'm purposely lazy. Or... (and?) because I need the flexibility to change skills if the story calls for it. Take what's here with a grain of salt. I would sooner break continuity with this here fine website than make the story worse.

Some may consider skill information to be spoilers. If this is you, you are definitely in the wrong place! Why not check out the soundtrack instead?

Stinging Tail

Strike with an ethereal scorpion stinger, dealing damage and adding a Venom Counter. This Venom Counter is of type Stinging Tail.


Sense enemies. Enemies within range will receive a red outline, even through walls.

Scorpion Shell

Summon temporary chitin armor to absorb damage.

Vanishing Dash

In a burst of vanishing dust, dash in a direction of your choosing. This skill passes through enemies.


Throw a loud distraction, which can either be popping fireworks or a bomb.

Throw Shurikens

Materialize shurikens. Each hit applies a Venom Counter of your active type.

Wall Run

While running, the Ninja is able to run on a wall for the full duration of the skill. This can be applied to running up walls, trees, towers, etc.

Hidden Blade

The Ninja is never without a blade, even if they are well searched. Mark your intended weapon, and when you need to, summon a copy of it.

Chained Dagger

Summon a dagger attached to a chain, which can be whipped around, thrown, and pulled back. Applies Venom Counters.

Pepper Bomb

Used to distract enemies, increasing damage done to affected targets.

Shift Direction

Change direction, even while in airborne. Can be used at anytime with no cooldown.

Astral Pincer Grab

Summon an astral projection of a giant pincer that grabs the target, marking them as vulnerable. Vulnerable targets take 20% extra damage.

Scorpion Reflex

Upon receiving damage, this skill’s cost becomes 0. Immediate block all attacks within the next 2 seconds from the time of activation.

Sharpen Blade

A free Utility skill. Sharpen your blades, increasing your damage for a duration.

Dust Blade Dance

Engage in a rapid series of strikes against all within the target area. Each strike deals critical damage. Move between targets in a blur of summoned shadow.

Change Venom Type

The Ninja is a master of venoms. All weapons naturally are enhanced with a venom weapon effect. The Ninja can, by taking the time and paying the mana cost, change their active venom type.

Venoms: Crimson Kiss, Shadow’s Caress, and Eclipse Serpent.

Trap Sense

The Ninja is adept at detecting traps. They appear as outlined in red.


The Ninja is skilled in flips, handsprings, wall climbs, and rolls.


Create an antidote that cleanses debuffs. Can be taken immediately to cleanse current debuffs or taken first to negate the first debuff to hit. Can be given to others.


The Ninja’s mount can attack. Each has its own stats based on the Ninja’s level and attributes.

Mounts: Emperor Scorpion, Blue Scorpion, Arizona Bark Scorpion, and Red Scorpion.

Silent Step

The Ninja is silent when they walk or fall. If they take fall damage, they will emit sound.

Wall Cling

The Ninja can cling to a wall for an indefinite amount of time. They engage this skill and summon a dagger to hold to.


Every target has marks only the Ninja can see. If the marks are struck, they will trigger a critical strike.

Scorpion Pet

Gain a giant scorpion pet that comes with its own level and progression. This pet can trigger skills, apply Venom Counters, attack, and defend.