
Follower of the Dragonfly

Atempius · Protector of Hope · Shadow

Choose the Skyblade, follower of the Dragonfly, for aerial combat and wind manipulation. Using their Wings of the Gale, which grants them wings at level one, these warriors gain a bonus to striking from above.

Skyblades harness the power of wind to enhance their attacks and defenses, generating Wind Counters. Their unique omnidirectional sight and ability to foresee immediate futures make them formidable opponents. Want cool wings? Want to never fear fall damage? Choose the Skyblade!

Skyblade Skills

Wielder of daggers & wind

"Where 'getting high' is part of the job description!"

Early Access! These skills are purposely vague because I'm purposely lazy. Or... (and?) because I need the flexibility to change skills if the story calls for it. Take what's here with a grain of salt. I would sooner break continuity with this here fine website than make the story worse.

Some may consider skill information to be spoilers. If this is you, you are definitely in the wrong place! Why not check out the soundtrack instead?

Precise Cut

When triggered, the target receives a mark. Launch forward and hit the mark to do bonus damage.

Ephemeral Dodge

A swift sidestep, leaving behind an afterimage to deceive foes.


Temporarily boost Dexterity. During this time, any damage received is reduced.

Crescent Swoop

A wide arcing slash that hits multiple foes in one swift motion.


Being adept at flight and air currents, identify a path that will increase movement and attack speed for a short duration after leaving the path.


Spend Wind Counters to hit the target with a gust of wind.

Vortex Blades

Throw whirling blades of air at the target.


Summons ethereal dragonfly wings to deflect incoming projectiles.

Whirlwind Step

Teleport a short distance, appearing in a gust of wind.


Shoot toward the next target, gaining a bonus to attack damage.

Water's Blessing

Quickly replenish Stamina and Health. Does not have a mana cost. This skill has a long cooldown time.

Aerial Armor

Infuse your armor with the strength of the wind. This skill uses Wind Counters.

Cyclone Shroud

Summon Vortex Blades to circle you. Your level determines how many blades can be active at a time.

If attacked, a blade may be used to lower damage. Otherwise, the blades can be used as they’d normally be used. A higher Vortex Blade level increases the effect of this skill in both offense and defense.

Vortex Vault

Propel yourself in the air, taking allies with you. This can be used to move locations quickly or to assault your enemies from above, gaining a bonus to attack damage.

Razor Gust

Send a gust of razor-sharp wind in a line, slicing through all enemies in its path. This skill uses Wind Counters. The more counters used, the more damage is done.

Wings of the Gale

Summon a set of temporary wings to fly with.

When striking an enemy from the air, do 10% more damage.

Redirect Momentum

The Skyblade can instantly cancel their momentum to change direction.

Omnidirectional Sight

The Skyblade is capable of seeing in all directions. They may not, however, focus on everything they can see.

Flowing Current

Skills generate wind, granting Wind Counters. Wind Counters slowly fade with time. While the Skyblade has a Wind Counter, they receive 4% less damage and deal 4% more damage per counter.


Choose among the following mounts: Azure Darter, Emperor Skimmer, Twilight Damselfly, and Windhawk Moth.

Swift Strike

The Skyblade has a +20% attack speed.


Whenever the Skyblade falls a distance that would result in fall damage, they hover before hitting the ground, negating fall damage. This, combined with Wings of Gale, allows the Skyblade to assault enemies without the fear of taking damage from their falls.

Whispering Wind

The wind whispers warnings of eminent attack or nearby dangers.

Pond’s Reflection

When engaged, see possible futures 2 seconds ahead of time.