
Follower of the Cricket

Chaoxiang · Maker of Luck · Shadow

Choose the Sonus, follower of the Cricket, for mastery over sound-based support and ranged combat. These musical adepts empower allies and debilitate foes through their Harmonies, generating Resonance to fuel their abilities.

Sonuses are capable of healing, boosting, and defending their companions from a safe distance. While not suited for close combat, their sound-based attacks can be devastatingly effective.

Sonus Skills

Wielder of harmonies

"Lalalalala! Lalalalala!"
—"Shut up!"

Early Access! These skills are purposely vague because I'm purposely lazy. Or... (and?) because I need the flexibility to change skills if the story calls for it. Take what's here with a grain of salt. I would sooner break continuity with this here fine website than make the story worse.

Some may consider skill information to be spoilers. If this is you, you are definitely in the wrong place! Why not check out the soundtrack instead?


Launch a shard of trapped sound.

Resonance: Increase damage.

Vital Resonance

A Harmony effect that heals or damages.

Positive: Boost passive healing.

Negative: Deal damage over time.

Long Jump

Use a powerful jump ability to evade attacks or relocate. This ability can be triggered instantly.

Resonance: Leave an echo of yourself and jump further. This echo will attack the closest enemy until the time duration concludes.

Harmonic Shield

Create individual barriers around allies that absorbs a percentage of incoming damage for a time.

Resonance: Reflect damage back to melee attackers.

Reverberating Valor

A Harmonic effect that affects skill damage.

Positive: Increase allies' skill damage.

Negative: Decrease enemies' skill damage.

Echoing Orb

Conjure a floating black sphere of concentrated sound. Launch it at enemies for area effect damage.

Resonance: Smaller spheres form around the original point of explosion and explode again.


Mark an area where sound does not exist, disrupting enemies ability to communicate.

Resonance: Silence skill casting as well.

Steel Strings

A Harmonic skill that affects armor.

Positive: Grants armor to allies.

Negative: Weaken’s armor (+% to damage taken).

Whistle Missile

Summon a series of sharp, high-pitched waves of sound that curve through the air in streams. Each one deals low damage, but there are dozens.

Resonance: The stream bursts apart into a barrage of sharp waves, hitting an area.


A Harmonic skill that affects speed.

Positive: Increase ally movement and attack speed.

Negative: Decrease enemy movement and attack speed.

Carapace Guard

Mimicking the cricket’s exoskeleton, gain a temporary hardened carapace.

Resonance: Empower your carapace armor, increasing its effectiveness.

Stimulating Tune

A Harmonic skill that affects resource and skill costs.

Positive: Rejuvenate allies' resources.

Negative: Increase enemies' skill costs.


Dissolve to harmonious frequencies, evading physical or magical damage for a short duration.

Vibrato Vortex

Conjure a swirling vortex of sound waves that pulls in and damages enemies.

Resonance: Hold enemies longer and drops an Echoing Orb on them.


A temporary anti-Harmony effect.

Positive: All unlocked Harmony effects for allies.

Negative: All unlocked Harmony effects for enemies.


The Sonus has an increased chance of finding more valuable loot or gold.


The Sonus can sell items to the System at a higher price.


The Sonus uses music—humming, whistling, singing, or instruments—to affect those that hear it. Unlike aura effects, a Harmony only needs to be heard and has two effects: positive (allies and self) or negative (enemies). The Sonus must choose which effect to pursue.

The Sonus’s music can be recorded and replayed. The sound surrounds the Sonus, flowing like a ribbon in the wind. Or it can be released for all to hear.

Only one Harmony may be active at a time.

To change from one Harmony to another costs 20 Resonance to counteract the dissonance.

Resonance Link

Each ally that benefits from the Sonus’s Harmony grants the Sonus additional Resonance generation by 0.2.

Each enemy that is negatively effected by Sonus’s Harmony, grants the Sonus additional Resonance generation by 0.1.


The Sonus may choose among the following mounts: Gryllus Cricket, Mole Cricket, Cave Cricket, Grasshopper, and Weta Walker.

Melodic Moment

After triggering a skill, the Sonus gains a temporary movement speed buff to help reposition outside of danger.

Vibration Awareness

The Sonus can sense subtle vibrations in their surroundings, granting heightened awareness.

Resonance Master

Resonance maximum increased by 100, allowing for greater empowerment of skills and options.


Harmony skills last 2x longer, increase the effect by (Intelligence)%, and don’t incur a dissonance penalty for changing before the Harmony is complete.