
Follower of the Raccoon

Klefyxes · King of Thieves · Light

Choose the Thief, follower of the Raccoon, for unparalleled stealth and cunning. These nimble tricksters excel at avoiding damage while pilfering the very essence of their foes—be it life, resources, weapons, or even abilities.

Thieves strike when least expected and vanish just as quickly. If you relish outsmarting opponents, exploiting weaknesses, and turning enemies' strengths against them, this is your class.

Thief Skills

Wielder of daggers

"Now you see me, now you—" /Coughs up a lung/
"Shit... That stuff is nasty. Don't inhale the vanishing smoke!"

Early Access! These skills are purposely vague because I'm purposely lazy. Or... (and?) because I need the flexibility to change skills if the story calls for it. Take what's here with a grain of salt. I would sooner break continuity with this here fine website than make the story worse.

Some may consider skill information to be spoilers. If this is you, you are definitely in the wrong place! Why not check out the soundtrack instead?

Sneak Attack

Deliver a powerful surprise attack when undetected, dealing significant damage based on Dexterity.

Mark Target

Mark a target with a touch, increasing damage dealt to them for a duration.

Smoke Vanish

Vanish in a cloud of smoke, gaining invisibility. Attacks from this state deal bonus damage.

Steal Life

Drain a portion of the target's life, converting a percentage of the stolen health to your own.

Steal Weapon

Temporarily disarm an opponent, gaining control of their weapon for a set duration before it returns.

Return Point

Create a return point, allowing you to instantly teleport back to that location within a time limit.


Set a snare trap that roots targets in place when triggered. Can be deployed quickly for combat or defensive use.

Cheap Shot

Execute a swift attack targeting weak points, dealing extra damage to marked vulnerable areas.

Steal Mana

Siphon the target's primary resource, converting it into your own mana.


Deploy one of three caltrop types: damage-dealing, noise-making for alerts, or flash-blinding variants.


Instantly teleport a short distance silently and without visual effects, ideal for stealth maneuvers or quick escapes.

Nightshade Needle

Throw a poisoned dart that weakens enemies, reducing their attack damage and applying the Mark Target effect at level 1 or whatever the current skill level is if known.


Imbue your weapon with a paralyzing effect, gradually slowing targets with each hit until they become fully immobilized.

Shadow Attack

Create shadow clones to attack targets from the indicated direction.

Steal Ability

Temporarily copy a recently used ability from an ally or enemy, replicating its effects and stats for a single use.


Pickpocket targets, stealing items directly from their inventory. Effectiveness scales with overall level.

Convert Garbage

Upgrade an item with a quality of Junk to the quality of Standard by investing mana equal to the item’s durability. Invested mana remains invested for 24 hours or until the item is upgraded.


Pick locks of varying difficulties, with access to higher-quality locks unlocking as you level up.

Loot Drop Bonus

Receive double the items and currency from loot chests found in the Wilds.


Choose between a large raccoon or horse as a permanent mount, each offering unique advantages.

Curious Instincts

Passively detect and highlight valuable items in the vicinity. The thief sees how much the items are worth. This is akin to an appraisal but happens automatically.


Expertly tumble to evade attacks and negate fall damage, with distance based on Dexterity.

Keen Eye

Automatically detect hidden traps and doors within a radius determined by Dexterity.

Cunning Counterplay

Gain stacking damage counters when dodging attacks, empowering your next strike. Counter limit and duration scale with Dexterity.