
Follower of the Bat

Sangviteus · Lord of Fear · Light

Choose the Vampire, follower of the Bat, for a unique blend of speed, agility, and strength. These nocturnal hunters fuel their abilities with essence taken from friends and foes alike, eschewing traditional mana.

Vampires are often misunderstood, seen as the darker side of the Light classes. Progression is limited to essence gathered, not experience. But this class is fierce and rewarding in its own right for those willing to accept the extra challenge.

Is that you?

Vampire Skills

Wielder of scythes, swords, & daggers

"I don't bite... hard." /Grins/

Early Access! These skills are purposely vague because I'm purposely lazy. Or... (and?) because I need the flexibility to change skills if the story calls for it. Take what's here with a grain of salt. I would sooner break continuity with this here fine website than make the story worse.

Some may consider skill information to be spoilers. If this is you, you are definitely in the wrong place! Why not check out the soundtrack instead?


Absorb a percentage of incoming damage by reserving essence, limited by Vitality. The skill must be intentionally directed to receive the full effect.

Crimson Shards

Launch Crimson Shards that deal damage based on Dexterity, fully converting damage dealt into essence.


Convert essence into health over time. The conversion rate increasing with skill level. Can be used on yourself or others.


Charm target neutral mob. The effectiveness and duration are based on the amount of essence used to charm the target. Losing health reduces the duration quicker.


Summon a bat that can scout the surrounding area, using echolocation.


Enhance movement and attack speed based on the highest of Strength or Dexterity.


Move forward at incredible speed, with the option to maintain or halt momentum as desired.

Razor Bat Swarm

Summon a swarm of razor-winged bats to damage multiple targets.

Vorpal Void

Create a small void that absorbs projectiles and small entities. Can be emptied by expending essence.

Essence Tear

Perform a touch attack that directly drains the target's health, converting it to essence.


Transform into a red mist, enabling evasion and unrestricted movement through small spaces and gravity-defying travel.

Wraith Wield

Telekinetically control your Crimson Weapon, allowing for remote attacks, throws, and weapon recall.

Soul Tether

Tether entities together. Damage, healing, and effects are spread evenly through the targets. Can be used offensively or defensively.

Blood Curse

Inflict a curse that weakens the target's stats and increases their skill costs, debilitating their combat effectiveness.

Call the Night

Summon spectral blood wolves to attack enemies, harnessing the power of the night for offensive purposes.

Essence Sight

Perceive essence in all forms and identify optimal extraction points. Extract essence from targets with increased efficiency from high-yield areas.


Burn essence to enhance senses, Strength, and Dexterity, with the ability to multiply stats for brief, intense bursts of power.

Crimson Weapon

Transform equipped weapons into essence-based Crimson Weapons, dealing increased damage and improving essence extraction from health damage.

Predator Instincts

Possess heightened predatory instincts, granting supernatural reaction speed that improves with training and empowerment.


Choose between a giant wolf or a black horse as a permanent mount, each offering unique advantages.

Unearthly Climb

Climb and adhere to any surface without the need for handholds, defying normal physical limitations.

Essence Expertise

Increase maximum essence capacity by 50%, allowing for greater power reserves.

Shapechange Bat

Gain the ability to transform into a bat, enhancing stealth and mobility options.

Sun Walker

Overcome the traditional vampire weakness to sunlight, allowing for unrestricted daytime activity.