Implicit Skills

Bookworm to Badass - Appendix III

Normal skills are unlocked by expending a skill point. Implicit skills are unlocked automatically upon reaching the required level. These levels include 1, 5, 10, then every 10 after that.


How many people have reached level 50 in Olindale?

The answer... 0.


All implicit skills up to level 5

Vampire Keeping 101:
Never forget to feed your vampire...

Essence Sight [Unlocked at Lvl. 1]

Vampires can see essence in all forms as well as the best way to extract it. This passive is linked to hunger, empowered sight, and intent.

Extracting essence from a target is limited to 10 health per second. If extracting from a high yield point, however, this rate is doubled.

Empower [Unlocked at Lvl. 1]

Vampires burn essence to empower their natural abilities. This affects their emotions and senses—sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Each of the five senses burn 0.2 essence per second.

Strength and Dexterity may be empowered in the same way. 30, 60, 90, (etc.) essence may be burned to increase one stat 2×, 3×, 4×, (etc.) for 1 second. These bonuses directly affect skills, damage, and movement.

Crimson Weapon [Unlocked at Lvl. 1]

  • Essence Reserve: 10

Equipped weapons can be summoned as hardened essence. A crimson version of the weapon deals 20% increased damage and pulls 100% more essence from damage dealt to the target’s health.

Damage to the crimson weapon drains reserved essence, requiring more to hold its shape. The original item’s durability remains unaffected.

Predator Instincts [Unlocked at Lvl. 1]

Vampires are predators, governed by instincts to keep them safe, help them hunt prey, and feed. Combined with Empower, vampires have a supernatural reaction speed that requires training to become proactive rather than reactive.

Summon Mount [Unlocked at Lvl. 5]

Upon achieving level 5, the player gains a soul-linked mount of his or her choice. This mount is limited to transportation and will be desummoned if it takes more than a fourth of its health in damage. Options include horse or giant wolf.